Our unique R.C. Musson Floor Tiles has raised circular discs (3/4″ diameter). These raised discs are clearly better for traction. Equally, the tile is attractive, non-staining and non-discoloring. In addition the factory cut 24″ x 24″ square tiles means quick installation and fewer joints. Circular discs allow for easy cleaning. Equally wheeled equipment moves across easily. Not only is this tile ideal for stair landings, lobbies, entrances, elevators, hallways, ramps but also around concessions or vending machines.
R.C. Musson Floor Tiles are 3/16″ thick 24″ x 24″. The Musson floor tile has a Flame Spread Rating of 25 or less using ASTM-E-84 test. Please note proper adhesion is assured, due to the sanded back of the tile. At the same time this tile does not contain as best as fiber. It is made of a top quality, properly cured homogeneous rubber compound, with color extending throughout its thickness. It is of course free from objectionable odors or imperfections which might impair service ability.
Colors: See charts below

Price per Tile: $59.50